Sunday, March 8, 2009

Burn the Ships!

From the Detroit News:
Burn the ships?

Michigan coach John Beilein turned to an unlikely source Saturday -- 16th century Aztec conqueror Hernando Cortez -- to inspire his players.

Cortez directed his Spanish troops in 1519 to burn their ships before the siege of the now-Mexican coast, as an overt act of confidence that they would win and then take their enemies' vessels as prizes.

The Wolverines warmed up in Williams Arena wearing shooting shirts saying "Quemar los barcos" -- Cortez's famous quote in Spanish.

Beilein went so far as to give the players a PowerPoint presentation on Cortez's tactics the night before the game. Clearly the players were inspired. Just ask Lavel Lucas-Perry.

"We were all about burning the ships, all about it," said Lucas-Perry, who scored a season-high 19 points. "Coach just got us going."

"Burn the ships" it is. Cue my crappy Photoshop skills:



  1. I thought Mahoney suggested the idea....I think its a good motivational tool, completely ridiculous idea.

  2. well this is a precipitated decision, I mean not all the coaches have the power to choose this, I hope that this men don't regret this, as I never regret my decision to use Generic Viagra.

  3. hey Dakuro, how old are you to use the blue pill?? you must be an old unfriendly man, you need some hugs hahaha, and if you know a lot about this sport, you should be doing some bookmaking work
